Social Inequality: Definition and Causes

Social Inequality: Definition and Causes
Social inequality is something that is a job for governments that need more attention. Social inequality that occurs in society is very striking and increasingly alarming that needs to be discussed and searched for the causes of a social inequality. Social gaps that arise in society need a courage in disclosure.
Education is the most highlighted thing, because it is through education that change begins. The creation of young people who have the ability of science with knowledge that can carry out development in all fields is a common reason why education becomes so important.
The irony that actually happens with education in our country that is so broad is that education is not evenly distributed throughout the archipelago. In this era of intense development, disparities are still being felt by regions in Indonesia that are far from the reach of the central government. For more details about social inequality in full let us see the review below below.

social inequality What is meant by social inequality?
Social inequality is defined as inequality or inequality of access to obtain or utilize available resources. Resources can be in the form of primary needs, such as education, health, housing, business and work opportunities, can be in the form of secondary needs, such as means of business development, means of struggle for human rights, facilities for political channels, fulfillment of career development, and others.

Understanding Social Gaps According to Experts
According to the Badruzaman Century (2009: 284) social inequality is a social imbalance in society that makes a very striking difference. Or it can also be interpreted a situation where the rich have a higher position and more powerful than the poor.
According to Soerjono Soekanto, social inequality is a mismatch between elements of culture or society, which endangers the lives of social groups.
As a functional structural theorist, Emile Durkheim tends to see social inequality as a differentiation of functions in an inevitable social structure.
Max Weber, theorist of social action will assess social inequality as a result of differences in the interests of each individual expressed in the system of behavior and action.

Factors Causing Social Inequality
1. Differences in Natural Resources
Natural resources are closely related to the economic level of a region. If it can utilize natural resources properly, the economic rate of a region will increase, and vice versa, the economic level of a region is low if the community cannot utilize natural resources optimally.

2. Government Policy
Sometimes government policies can cause social inequality. for example policies on transmigration programs. When migrants move forward faster than native residents, social inequality can occur. The imbalance occurs because there is inequality between the two groups that should be able to develop together.

3. Effects of Globalization
People who are able to respond to globalization appropriately will be able to utilize globalization to achieve progress. Meanwhile, people who are not able to properly utilize globalization will not be able to take the opportunities offered by globalization. even left behind.