Definition and Elements of Review

Definition and Elements of Review
Review Is: Definition, Elements, Systematics, Types, And Examples - Review ?? What is that reviewer ?? Licensing a book is an activity of reading, understanding, analyzing, evaluating, and revealing the strengths and weaknesses of a book as information for others (Sitepu, 2013). The results of the book review process are called book reviews.

Definition of General Review
The word reviewer comes from the Dutch "recensie" which means to talk and rate / beorordelend en bespoken. From this meaning, the Dutch print media provides a special page or column as a forum for discussion of this book (Lasa, 2006).

Definition of Review According to Experts
According to Sitepu (2013), etymologically examined from Latin (recensere or revidere) and English (review), the reviewer contains the basic meaning of "checking, observing, reviewing or reviewing" something. With this basic understanding, the object of review is not only limited to books but can be in the form of films, drama, exhibitions, and various forms / appearance of writing.
According to (Gorys Keraf, 1994; 274) - Review is defined as a writing or commentary on the value of a work or book.
According to Yus Rusyana (1996: 1) - provides a definition that the reviewer is writing about books of knowledge, literature, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and so on which summarize, describe, explain, and assess books
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary / KBBI (1991) reviews are considerations or discussions of books, or reviews of books that have just been published. Whereas Gorys Keraf defines reviewer as "A writing or commentary on the value of a work or book" (Keraf, 2001). From this understanding comes another term from the word reviewer, namely the word book consideration, book discussion, and book review.

Terms for Reviewing
There are several conditions in preparing a review, among others:
There are data books, including the name of the author, publisher, year of publication and book thickness.
The introduction contains a comparison with previous work, author biography, or matters relating to the theme or content.
There is a brief review of the book.
It must be useful and to whom it is intended.

Review Objectives
Reviewing a book has the following objectives:
In order to be able to provide a comprehensive understanding & information to a community or the reader, about the contents of the book that his reviewer.
Inviting the reader to discuss and think further about what issues are raised in the book.
In order to give a consideration to the reader about whether or not the book should be read or published.
In order to provide an answer to a question from the reader when a new book is published.
Give suggestions to the reader, whether a book or film is worth reading or watching
Describe and describe their opinions through a judgment or assessment
Provide clear criteria in expressing his opinion.

Elements of Review
The elements in the review include:

Title of reviewer
The title of the reviewer who is interesting and truly animates the entire writing or the essence of the writing, does not have to be determined in advance. The title can be created after the review writing is complete. To remember, the title of the reviewer must be aligned with the overall contents of the reviewer.