Example of the Gap between Rural-urban Communities

Example of the Gap between Rural-urban Communities
Here are some examples of social inequalities in everyday life:
Corruptors who eat up to billions of rupiah in public money are only detained for 3 years while people who are thieves can be detained for up to a dozen years.
Lack of adequate transportation facilities for people with disabilities.
People who are dressed in expensive and good clothes are treated very well by different servants than ordinary people.

Example of the gap between rural-urban communities
This is caused by various factors, among them are the level of purchasing power of rural communities is lower, uneven education, services are not the same between villages and cities, for example Health. Due to the limited transportation, facilities and infrastructure of the Village is lower than the city, and the lack of employment in Indonesia makes the village intellectuals choose to live and live in the village because of its convenience, even so many people from the area went to Jakarta without any education provision , more and more the city of Jakarta, for example, is becoming increasingly congested.
The gap is also seen from the difference in income per capita in urban and rural areas. Structure of sectoral economic activities that form the basis of household or community production activities, particularly in economic sectors that are export bases with a domestic (domestic) market orientation

Increasing population so it is not balanced with the supply of agricultural land.
The urgency of handicrafts in the village by modern industrial products.
In the village there are not many opportunities to increase knowledge.
Harvest failures caused by various things, such as long drought floods etc., forced the villagers to look for other livelihoods in the city. Most villagers think that in the city there is a lot of work and it is easier to get income
In the city more opportunities to develop a home craft business into the craft industry
Education, especially advanced education, is more in the city and easier to obtain
The city is considered to have a higher level of culture and is a place of association with all kinds of human culture
Cities provide an opportunity to avoid strict social control or to lift themselves from low social positions

Solution to the gap between urban & rural.
Then, is there a solution to the gap between urban & rural? Is that? Of course there is. And that is by increasing the standard of living in the countryside. How is the solution? As described above, it is understandable why inequality is so striking between villages and cities. The backwardness in terms of education, economy, and access to health facilities is not solely caused by socio-cultural factors of the people who strongly hold the principles and culture of kinship and traditions / customs, but if examined more deeply, it is also caused by social factors the politics and geography of regions that are not favorable for rural areas. This condition is certainly a challenge for the village community, also for the government.
Internally rural communities must begin to be open to the outside world, the community must not be allergic to change. Preserving the culture that is owned is certainly very important in order to maintain local wisdom, but the village community must have a clear and measurable mission and vision so that they can take the initiative to change their destiny. Without a change in mind set that has indeed been deeply rooted in the village community, surely they will be difficult to get out of the shackles of backwardness because one of them is the lack of competition between them. Communities that live together with livelihoods that are not much different usually do not have high motivation to compete with each other. Even if there are income inequality among villagers, it is generally not too extreme.